VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

Amsterdamer Str. 174
D-50735 Köln

Managing directors:
Dr. Robert Reinermann (Sprecher)


External references and links

According to a ruling made by the Hamburg District Court on May 12, 1998, the owner or provider of an internet site which includes a link may be held co-responsible for the content of the site to which the link refers. In the view of the Court, this can only be prevented by the inclusion of a disclaimer to the effect that the owner or provider expressly disassociates himself/herself/itself from such content. Our site contains links to other internet sites, the content and updating of which are beyond the sphere of influence of VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH. The following statement applies to all such links:
"The VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH exerts no influence on the configuration or content of other companies' or other persons' internet sites. Accordingly, it disassociates itself from all external content, even though the website of the VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH contains a link to these external sites." This declaration applies to all links indicated on our website and also to all content of sites to which banners and links may refer.

Legal effect

This disclaimer is an integral part of the internet offering of the VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH. If individual formulations in this text or parts of the text no longer conform to the currently valid legal situation, or only partly conform thereto, this shall in no way affect the other parts of this declaration.

No liability

The content of this promotional project has been carefully verified and has been compiled to the best of our knowledge. However, no claims are made to the effect that the information contained therein is complete, up-to-date, correct or of proper quality. No responsibility can be borne for any damages incurred as a result of trust being placed in the contents of this website or as a result of other usage.

Infringement of trademark rights

If you are of the opinion that trademark rights (rights of protection) are being breached by this website, please notify us as soon as possible by electronic mail, so that we can take immediate corrective measures.

Concept / Technical realization

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