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Press ticket
The maximum amount per person for this article has been reached. | ||||
In order to receive a press ticket, you need a valid press pass, an imprint, a name article not older than six months or an order of a full editorial in the original with fair cover. Please upload at least two and a maximum of three proofs of eligibility. Our detailed accreditation guidelines for journalists can be found on our website.
The ALTENPFLEGE trade fair is organised by Nürnberg Messe GmbH. The data protection regulations of Nürnberg Messe GmbH apply to registration. An ALTENPFLEGE trade fair ticket does not authorise admission to the ALTENPFLEGE Congress.
The ALTENPFLEGE Congress is organised by Vincentz Network GmbH & Co. KG. The data protection provisions of Vincentz Network GmbH & Co. KG apply. As the ALTENPFLEGE congress ticket also entitles the holder to visit the ALTENPFLEGE trade fair, the data protection provisions of Nürnberg Messe GmbH also apply to ALTENPFLEGE congress visitors.
Press/bloggers must provide evidence of their work to obtain a ticket. We point out only one ticket type is available per person due to legal reasons!